Friday 14 April 2017

Part I: And So it begins

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls! It's about to happen! I just accepted an offer at Pixar animation studio! The dream is about to come into my grasp! My fingers and tingling and my arms are shaking! I finally get to be in the seat where I'm telling the stories I've always wanted to hear! And now, I will get to pass down my stories to the next person in hopes to inspire them. So here it is!

Part I: And So it begins

I was sitting on the bleachers of our school's soccer field, just having some alone time, when I felt my phone buzz. I picked it up and saw and email from an email adress entitled, "Animation Internship". My heart skipped a beat as I tapped on the annotation in anticipation. I read the first line and my life changed immediately.

"Hi Ere-
We'd like to offer you a position as an animation intern this summer!..."

I. Was. Floored.

I couldn't control my limbs or vocal chords as I proceeded to scream at the top of my lungs for a solid 73 minutes. I completely didn't care what anyone thought of me. People were staring and laughing but I- did- not- care. I had my phone call today to go over the offer details and such and such. But that was when they officially offered me the position!

This is just the beginning, so stay tuned! I'm so excited to embark on this journey and actually get there!

PS - Here is the reel I applied with:

Ere Santos Demo Reel Spring 2017 from Ere Santos on Vimeo.